Thursday, April 22, 2010

"3 People Sussin It"

the CFR is a thnk tank of ideas from the left and the right, but they do get in cabinets and such more often than not, so they most certainly do affect this government joe
I would submit that the CFR is no such thing. Your "think tank" is in reality an amalgam of diverse political/educational/academia elite of vast experience who can effectuate change, but on an orchestrated grand scale. That is their sole reason for existence as a group. The infiltration of a mentality among the world's leadership in ALL fields. The Bilderberg Group is the real manifestation of that with it's powerful international banking/corporate vested interests. There is nothing Ayn Rand-ish about them. Left nor right in political persuasion mean nothing to the globalists. Liberal progressive brush shoulders with arch conservatives. ONLY the end-goal of diminishing the impact of nation states to enable the empowerment of a globalist elite control is the common dedication. Such control would be unfettered by moral and ethical constraints and only genuflect at The Altar of The Bottom Line...Can you say the DO-RE-MI chorus, but without the nightingales? They are NOT about sovereign nation states being self-empowered, so those referential terms of "left" and "right" fade into irrelevancy, They are about the DEMISE of sovereign nation states, That's why America, the greatest example of a nation state succeeding based upon free-market capitalism...MUST FAIL. Zbiggy Brzezinski, at David Rockefeller's behest, was the puppetmaster and Obama is the puppet of our intended demise. The Fat Lady won't sing on that plan though until the First Tuesday in November 2010.
Palin is not on there and neither is GW Bush. Very Interesting.
Do NOT delude yourself Carol. GW wears the proud pedigree of Geore H.W, and Prescott Bush before him, both avid CFR members and devotees of the NWO philosophy. You won't find Palin. because the CFR is only interested in the experienced movers and shakers who with their octupian contacts can effect great influence and change such as Zbiggy Brzezinski did as Obama's mentor. Here are some of Little Georgie-boy's CFR alma mater: James E. Baker III, *Condoleezza Rice, the head of George W. Bush’s foreign policy team and a former member of President Bush’s National Security Council; *Brent Scowcroft, former National Security Advisor to President Bush; *Colin Powell, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Presidents Bush and Clinton; *Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State under Presidents Nixon and Ford; and *George Shultz, former Secretary of State under President Reagan **Robert Blackwill, a former member of President Bush’s National Security Council; **Richard Cheney, former Secretary of Defense under President Bush and then VEEP under W; **Stephen Hadley, former Assistant Secretary of Defense under Cheney; **Richard Perle, former Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Reagan administration; **Paul Wolfowitz, former Assistant Secretary of State in the Reagan administration and former Under Secretary of Defense in the Bush administration **Dov Zakheim, former Under Secretary of Defense in the Reagan administration; and **Robert Zoellick, former Under Secretary of State in the Bush administration. *On May 23rd, 2000, George W. Bush gave a press conference in Washington, D.C., where he spoke at length on contemplated foreign policy measures during his administration. Accompanying him was that entourage of advisors from the CFR . All of these people were life-long members of the CFR. Photobucket **An article in the December 23, 1999 issue of the New York Times listed 10 members of Bush’s foreign policy brain trust, in addition to the aforementioned Shultz and Rice.
olympia snowe is in there....
..actually anyone can join the CFR, it is an open membership to any who want to join, you can also be nominated to it for certain writings if the writing is to their liking. It is clearly open on the web for is a link for employment opportunities....

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