Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Halliburton Sold Nuclear Tech To Iran

 So, Halliburton creates offshore entities to circumvent the U.S. ban on doing business in Iran, and part of what passes through this truly ridiculous loophole is nuclear enabling technology. All of the profit ends up in a Cayman Islands shell company so there's no U.S. tax burden, and when we have to go interdict a nuclear armed Iran Halliburton gets paid again supporting our military in the conflict.
 The taxpayer gets fucked up, down, and sideways and nobody seems able to put a stop to it. The troops are lucky if they get crappy food and if they're having a bad day they end up a non-combat death in an curiously electrified shower.
 This is a three month old video, but it certainly seems worth a review given the unstoppable flood of oil pouring out of the sea floor and poisoning the Gulf of Mexico. Halliburton's cement job was a key component of the blowout and they're just as much at fault as 
Beach Polluters
 Bird Poisoners British Petroleum.
 If corporations are persons, as the Citizens United decision indicates, they should be subject to execution, just as real humans are. Halliburton's behavior indicates to me they'd like to be first in like for this ultimate corrective action.

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