Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can Populists Break the False Left-Right Political Paradigm?

Eric Blair
Activist Post

Trend Research Institute CEO, Gerald Celente,  predicted the rise of a third partywhen he spoke with Libertarian radio talk show host, Alex Jones, in late 2009.

Celente described the third party as “Progressive Libertarians"  who are for real environmental issues such as non-GMO organic foods, clean water, air, and soil free from corporate pollution, while advocating for alternative health freedoms and economic justice.  He  coupled this with antiwar, “live free or die” Libertarians who principally desire a return to small locally-controlled government with truly free economic markets.  Sounds good to me, but is such a populist coalition realistic?

Understandably, the red-blooded Americans in the Liberty Movement are as equally angry as true Progressives, but many are still playing partisan politics with "Obama this" and "Bush that."  Granted, it is easy to blame the party in power for the country’s current woes; and God knows Bush dragged the Republican brand to a new low during his eight infamous years.  However, this anger must be channeled and targeted at the proper perpetrators, while offering proper solutions. The right direction can be difficult to determine among the noise of Limbaugh, Maddow, and the rest of the pundits.

Certainly there is enough blame to go around between the do-nothing, bought-and-paid-for Congress, to the puppet president who has clearly been doing more for Wall Street and Big Oil than for the people who elected him.  Amid the perpetual blame-game, both Republicans and Democrats are equally controlled by the same multinational corporate interests whose agenda always moves forward.  As George Carlin famously quipped:  “It’s one big club, and you ain’t in it.”

Do any of us even know how to define a Liberal or a Conservative these days? After all, in 8 years of a “Conservative” president we saw preemptive interventionist wars and nation building on the backs of the taxpayer, runaway borrowing and spending, and massive growth in government.  Meanwhile, the “Liberal” savior Obama continues to expand the wars, torture captives without trials or evidence, and target all forms of free speech.  Where it matters most, both political parties cater to Wall Street over Main Street, while working day and night to restrict our Constitutional rights.  Fierce populist revolutions have been fought over far less oppression than we see today (see 1776), and yet the generally angry public can’t seem to focus long enough to form a strong common consensus.

Americans can no longer allow the machine to define us by the shallow, false Left-Right debate. In fact, we don’t stand a chance against the current system if we don’t find common ground about what is most important for us politically.  Even if we do agree and get organized, some powerhouse Independents like Jesse Ventura fear that a “legit” third party will have to stoop to the same criminal level to compete with the "two-headed monster," because the system is corrupt beyond redemption.  Assuming our Republic can be restored from the multinational corporations and banksters through the political process, it is best to stick to defining principles.

Indeed, the Ron Paul crowd and the Liberal crowd have much in common when it comes to very important issues such as Peace, Auditing the Fed, Individual Liberty, Economic Freedom and Justice, and the Human Rights defined in the U.S. Constitution.  After all, it is the Constitution that makes us American, not the Support the Troops stickers or Social Security.

Furthermore, it seems that the stale Left-Right debate should be replaced with a Top-Bottom debate for a real populist movement to take hold.  Average Americans are just now beginning to recognize that the coalition that keeps them in servitude crosses both party lines and is directly controlled by unpatriotic multinational corporations.  Real anger is mounting as citizens increasingly realize that the system has been maliciously designed by a criminal oligarchy with a stated mission to destroy America and subsume her into a one world government.  The enemy is not our neighbor who watches Fox News if we prefer CNN; both networks are essential to the corrupt system, and are orchestrated to keep us divided long enough to conquer us completely.  This is an enemy that despises the Constitution and uses its full might to hide that fact.  Nearly all politicians are willing accomplices, regardless of what color state they represent.

We must also be aware that populist movements can be co-opted by the power centers of the two monopoly parties.  For example, Neo-Con-in-Prada, Sarah Palin, is attempting to hijack the Tea Party for Republicans; therefore, Progressives are sickened by the sight of them.  Meanwhile, Chief of Staff Rahm “Hitman” Emanuel tells the Progressives that they are "f-king stupid" and to bend over for Fascist Healthcare.  It appears that anyone who tries to regain America for the people is either labeled a radical, or must be jammed into one of the “big tent” political parties.

As is often the case, another forecast by Gerald Celente may indeed come true as non-establishment candidates are now winning impressively all over the nation.  No one can say for sure what this Independent-minded movement may ultimately look like, but it is encouraging to see populist anger being used for something so positive as kicking the corrupt bums out of Washington.  This should be viewed as an optimistic sign of a true uprising that will gain traction and define what every American should be fighting for:  Independence.

Military Marketing Techniques For the Next Generation

In a soft economy, military recruiters abandon the hard sell

Minneapolis Star Tribune 

MANKATO, Minnesota -- More than eight years into fighting two wars, the U.S. military finds itself in an odd but enviable position: All four military branches and all six Reserve components reached their recruiting targets, both in quality and quantity, for the first time in the history of the all-volunteer force. 

Eschewing the cold call and hard sell for what it calls the "soft lead," the military is employing the latest in marketing techniques to secure the newest generation of recruits, who are plucked from an increasingly select pool of applicants. In a turnaround from as little as five years ago, Armed Forces enlistment requirements have never been higher. 

"There's an awful lot of good kids out there who are coming out of high school with no job prospects or are having trouble affording college or don't see college is the route for them. That's the prime recruiting market," said William Strickland, a retired Air Force colonel who commanded recruiting in the western United States. Strickland was part of a committee for the National Research Council that studied military recruitment and marketing in 2002. 

For a glimpse at prime recruiting territory for this new military, take a look at Mankato. In the past two years, the Mankato area has had 143 recruits sign on the dotted line to join the various branches of the military, with the Minnesota National Guard by far the leader. Last year, the Guard boasted a 60 percent share of the military recruitment market. 

In Mankato, the recruiting effort has included things such as trucking in climbing walls at high schools after proms to sponsoring tournaments when the latest version of the combat video game "Call of Duty" comes out. Knocking down conventional wisdom, it is also in places such as Mankato where potential recruits are more likely to meet the increasingly demanding standards the military puts on its enlistees. 

CALL TO ACTION -- Internet Censorship is Coming to America

The Lights Are Going Out For Free Speech On The Internet 

Paul Joseph Watson

Type the keywords “Internet censorship” into Google News and you will immediately understand to what degree the world wide web is under assault from attempts by governments globally to regulate and stifle free speech.

From Australia to Belarus, from Turkey to Vietnam, from Pakistan to Egypt, from Afghanistan to Iran, huge chunks of the Internet are going dark as the Chinese model of Internet regulation is adopted worldwide.

But why should Americans concern themselves with countries halfway across the globe adopting Chinese-style net censorship? Because under Senator Joe Lieberman’s 197-page Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, the United States would formally mimic China’s “great firewall” of web censorship.

When Lieberman himself attempted to debunk claims that the bill provides Obama, and any following President for that matter, with a figurative ‘kill switch’ to disable certain parts of the Internet, he explained that the government was merely seeking to emulate powers over the Internet already enjoyed by the Communist Chinese.

Firstly, despite Lieberman’s spin, the text of the bill clearly gives Obama the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight.

Secondly, and even more alarmingly, Lieberman’s acknowledgment that the United States is seeking to emulate China’s policies on Internet control confirm that the entire cybersecurity agenda is primarily concerned with silencing political opposition to the state, since this factor completely dominates the Chinese model which Lieberman openly invokes as the ultimate goal of cybersecurity.

China’s vice-like grip over its Internet systems has very little to do with “cybersecurity” and everything to do with silencing all dissent against the state.

Chinese Internet censorship is imposed via a centralized government blacklist of any websites that contain criticism of the state, porn, or any other content deemed unsuitable by the authorities. Every time you attempt to visit a website, you are re-routed through the government firewall, often making for long delays and crippling speeds.

MASSIVE 'Dead Zone' May Be Worse Than Oil Spill Damage

Carolyn Lochhead
San Francisco Chronicle

While the BP oil spill has been labeled the worst environmental catastrophe in recent U.S. history, a biofuel is contributing to a Gulf of Mexico "dead zone" the size of New Jersey that scientists say could be every bit as harmful to the gulf.

Each year, nitrogen used to fertilize corn, about a third of which is made into ethanol, leaches from Midwest croplands into the Mississippi River and out into the gulf, where the fertilizer feeds giant algae blooms. As the algae dies, it settles to the ocean floor and decays, consuming oxygen and suffocating marine life.

Known as hypoxia, the oxygen depletion kills shrimp, crabs, worms and anything else that cannot escape. The dead zone has doubled since the 1980s and is expected this year to grow as large as 8,500 square miles and hug the Gulf Coast from Alabama to Texas.

As to which is worse, the oil spill or the hypoxia, "it's a really tough call," said Nathaniel Ostrom, a zoologist at Michigan State University. "There's no real answer to that question."

Toxic Aspartame Gets a Name Change

America's Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change

Aspartame is the most controversial food additive in history, and its approval for use in food was the most contested in FDA history. In the end, the artificial sweetener was approved, not on scientific grounds, but rather because of strong political and financial pressure. After all, aspartame was previously listed by the Pentagon as a biochemical warfare agent! 

It's hard to believe such a chemical would be allowed into the food supply, but it was, and it has been wreaking silent havoc with people's health for the past 30 years.

The truth is, it should never have been released onto the market, and allowing it to remain in the food chain is seriously hurting people -- no matter how many times you rebrand it under fancy new names.

The Deceptive Marketing of Aspartame
Sold commercially under names like NutraSweet, Canderel and now AminoSweet, aspartame can be found in more than 6,000 foods, including soft drinks, chewing gum, table-top sweeteners, diet and diabetic foods, breakfast cereals, jams, sweets, vitamins, prescription and over-the-counter drugs. 

Aspartame producer Ajinomoto chose to rebrand it under the name AminoSweet, to "remind the industry that aspartame tastes just like sugar, and that it's made from amino acids -- the building blocks of protein that are abundant in our diet."

This is deception at its finest: begin with a shred of truth, and then spin it to fit your own agenda. 

In this case, the agenda is to make you believe that aspartame is somehow a harmless, natural sweetener made with two amino acids that are essential for health and present in your diet already. 

They want you to believe aspartame delivers all the benefits of sugar and none of its drawbacks. But nothing could be further from the truth.

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