Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bush talks about EXPLOSIVES in building (on 9/11?)

via WRH

When witnesses started to come forward with stories of explosions inside the WTC buildings on 9-11, Bush briefly attempted to explain it away by claiming that Khalid Sheik Mohammed admitted (after 134 waterboardings) that Al Qaeda planted explosives in the buildings. Of course, that prompted a question from a certain blogger asking why, if Al Qaeda (nudge nudge wink wink) planted explosives in the buildings, why bother with the jet planes? Then there were witnesses who started ti come forward to report they had seen the workmen who planted the explosives in the buildings, and not only did they not look Arab they had special security passes and a reserved elevator. So after those problems surfaced with the story, Bush dropped the claim about terrorists planting bombs in the buildings and the story went back to "There were no bombs, there were no bombs, there were no bombs..."

1 comment:


    There weren't any planes, lol


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