Friday, December 17, 2010

I always did like Mike Malloy

From april 28th 2008

"Okay… here’s how it is. Everything… everything we are going through; all the draconian security measures that screw up our freedom of expression and movement are because of the 9/11 attacks. . . the terrorists in question happen to be the state itself, with the assistance of at least one other nation. All of the deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq, the savage butchery in Palestine and the raping and pillaging of the American economy by Halliburton and so many other blood sucking siphon machines are all happening and have happened because of 9/11. . .
"9/11 is the litmus test. If you aren't focused on that and if you aren't out front about where the evidence leads then what good are you . . .?
"9/11 was an inside job! 9/11 was an Inside Job!! 9/11 was an Inside Job!!! 9/11 was an Inside Job . . .!!!!
"If you are a public figure and if your livelihood and your reputation are based on telling the truth and you can’t say this then you are not what you make yourself out to be and that . . . makes you a hypocrite.
" People have died. PEOPLE HAVE DIED! People are being tortured and locked up for years. An entire nation of people is displaced in Iraq and the suffering is immense. In Palestine… oh… what can I say? I want to cry but my tears will serve no purpose at all… all because of 9/11… all because of lies… all this murder goes on every day, courtesy of the people who did 9/11 in the first place and now they murder those whom they have accused of their crimes. They torture them for information that only they possess.
"If you are in a position to know the truth and you have a reputation for telling the truth and you do not, then maybe this will shame you into it but I suspect it won’t. I’m sorry . . .Maybe you know something I don’t. Maybe you can help me to understand because I don’t understand. I see lies and I see murder most foul. If you support these lies then your hands have blood on them."
After reading this and - over the years since 9/11/2001 - dozens and dozens of articles regarding the events of that day and the subsequent examinations of all the available evidence, I have come to an understanding. This clear understanding will influence my political thinking, and the way I see the people who were in charge of my country on that day, until the day I die.
A friend emailed me this weekend, "The benefit of knowing about 9/11 is in the knowing. In a sense we’re all still walking around in a daze, covered with the ash of pulverized concrete with tear tracks still fresh on our cheeks. Still reeling with Holy Shit What The Hell Just Happened To Us we’ve been spun into wars, the vaporization of the Constitution, torture, and then beaten regularly with The Fear Stick. It’s like we’ve woken up after the trip’s already started. Where’s the map? We started where? …. Now we’re here? … and we seem to be going where? And what was our starting point again? There are a lot of people who have done the research and think 9/11 was an inside job … but they don’t have anywhere to go with that knowledge.
Understanding 9/11 leads to a place dark and evil. A deep dark hole where we are ruled by criminal psychopaths. Scary place in the middle of the woods. Not a lot of people go there. Especially after dark. But through chance or design some of us have gone there. And since we’re spread out all over the place … it’d be really fine to have a place to gather and talk about it. And the more company we have in that scary place in the middle of the woods … the less scary it is."
And, so, Truthseekers, this: Beginning on tonight's program we will devote at least one program a week - maybe more - to an examination of 9/11 from every angle we can think of. Some nights we will invite experts on various aspects of 9/11 to tell us what they know, and other nights we will discuss the topic among ourselves.
The benefit of knowing about 9/11 is in the knowing.

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