Friday, March 12, 2010

Ground Zero workers to receive 9/11 payouts

Ground Zero workers to receive 9/11 payouts


Ground Zero Workers
The deadly calm after the storm. Dust lies on the skeletal remains of the twin towers as rescue workers look on.
New York has agreed to a $657m compensation package for the hero 9/11 workers who are suffering from health problems in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks.

Emergency personnel leapt into action as all hell broke loose on September 11. Fire fighters did not hesitate as they set off to help victims at Ground Zero.

And the mountain of rubble which was left by the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings had to be removed later.

It was work which put many people's health at risk - through smoke, ash and toxic fumes which rose from the destroyed buildings.

And the workers are now being compensated for it. Insurer WTC Captive has stated that over 10,000 people will receive a payout - up to a total of $657 million (around €480 million).

Some 2,752 people were killed when two hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center twin towers in Manhattan.

Many volunteers worked tirelessly alongside the emergency services in the days and weeks after the attack.

Their compensation will be considered depending on the degree and severity of their health problems.

To receive payments they have to provide evidence that they were on site offering assistance in the days after 9/11. They also have to submit medical reports and records concerning their health issues.

New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg has welcomed the settlement, calling it "fair and reasonable".

The compensation will be provided for by federal funds.

Those affected only have 90 days to apply.

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