Sunday, March 14, 2010

There was no "worldwide consensus"

There was no "worldwide consensus"
by Charles in AL

Sun Mar 14, 2010 at 05:07:47 AM PDT

Last week, in an exclusive interview with TODAY’s Matt Lauer, former Bush adviser Karl Rove said:

"It [was] a worldwide consensus. You can go back and try and rewrite history, but at that moment we as a nation were faced with the belief that [Saddam Hussein] had WMD."


If you'll pardon the expression, that's revisionist bullshit. It's an outright lie.

More ...

Charles in AL's diary :: ::
The truth is that many people did know before the invasion of Iraq, or wisely suspect, that the White House and Pentagon were telling us things that could not be proven and which turned out to be complete fabrications.

I know, because I was one of them. We were right. We were 100% right. Don't let anyone ever rob you of that; we were right; and they were wrong. Who stood on the high ground then, and stands on it now?

Never believe the lie that support for this misbegotten war was virtually universal before the invasion. It is a lie that "Everyone believed Saddam Hussein had WMD that made him a threat to the United States."

Because there was no "worldwide consensus" that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that an unprovoked invasion of that country was justified ... in fact the leaders of three nations spoke up and said so, Jean Chrétien of Canada, Jacques Chirac of France, and Gerhard Schröder of Germany, all of who were 100% right to do so.

Here's what actually and factually happened: After the tragedy of 9/11, claiming "national security" as the reason, President George W. Bush concentrated power in his office. He broke both domestic and international laws, invented reasons for invading Iraq and a totally imaginary threat from that tiny defenseless country, he renamed prisoners "enemy combatants" to deprive them of the protections of the Geneva Conventions; condoned the torture and secret prisons around the world into which men who were never charged with a crime, and of whose "guilt" no evidence was ever produced, disappeared.

That's what happened. And Karl Rove is a serial liar. I'm not concerned about Karl Rove, though, and you shouldn't be either. The choice is each of ours, personally, individually, to make. It's always a personal choice.

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