Thursday, May 6, 2010

‘Car Bomb’ comes to Broadway

Jerry Mazza
Online Journal
May 5, 2010
There’s no business like show business, they say. Especially today, the Street Theater of the Real impinging on our senses with would-be terrorists in every nook and cranny of New York City, this time leaving a Nissan Pathfinder in the heart of show biz, Times Square, with the marquee lights flashing above, movie size screens selling their wares, crowds of tourists and locals flooding streets, bars, private lap-dancing clubs, restaurants, T-shirt vendors, food stands, the circus of the mind. After all it is Tony Awards time, and you never know. This show might be more dramatic than anything playing.
Curtain up: smoke is pouring from a Pathfinder’s rear vents, parked awkwardly from the curb on 45 Street (west of 7th Avenue). Its hazard lights are blinking, engine running, a white man seen on surveillance cameras walking from it towards Schubert Alley, yanking off a black shirt, revealing a red shirt, stuffing the first into a bag, turning back to look at the car, vanishing in the crowd. That wasn’t too obvious, was it? Could it be the Phantom of the Opera, a miscreant Taliban (no, they denied responsibility), a set-up man for the purveyors of fear, or today’sGeorge “The Mad Bomber” Metesky.
For those whose memory doesn’t go back to the early 1950s, “Metesky was better known as the Mad Bomber [and] terrorized New York City for 16 years in the 1940s and 1950s with explosives that he planted in theaters, terminals, libraries and offices. Bombs were left in phone booths, storage lockers and restrooms in public buildings, including Grand Central Terminal,Pennsylvania StationRadio City Music Hall, the New York Public Library, the Port Authority Bus Terminal and the RCA Building, as well as in the New York City Subway. Perhaps most notably, Metesky bombed movie theaters, where he cut into seat upholstery and slipped his explosive devices inside.” You might call him the father of urban terror.
In fact, “Angry and resentful about events surrounding a workplace injury suffered years earlier, Metesky planted at least 33 bombs, of which 22 exploded, injuring 15 people. He was apprehended based on an early use of offender profiling and clues given in letters he wrote to a newspaper. He was found legally insane and committed to a state mental hospital.”
In short, George was a major fruitcake, pioneer of Street Theater of the Real, i.e., terror, with no ideology but being wronged by his former employer, Con Ed, for lack of proper recompense for a job injury. He didn’t have a beard. He was affiliated with no one, simply playing on the fears of an overcrowded New York City, post WW II, en route to Korea. Though 22 of his 33 bombs exploded, no one was killed, but 15 people were hurt. He was caught by profiling clues he gave of himself writing letters to the newspapers. Obviously, he had a writer’s instinct. His electrical background came from the US Marines. He served as specialist electrician at the US Consulate in Shanghai, following WW I.

Yet, our “Broadway Bomber” of today managed to get the city’s and the world’s attention, including the mayor’s, police commissioner’s, City Council speaker’s and governor’s, with a failed op. No blowback but maximum effect.
The mayor and police commissioner were returning early from a White House correspondents’ dinner in Washington, D.C., the New York Times reported. They still had their tuxes on and nice red bow ties, ready to serve us at 2 a.m. like head waiters in one of the nearby hotels.
Mayor Michael Bloomburg said, “We were very lucky. We avoided what could have been a very deadly event.” Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the bomb “would have caused casualties, a significant fireball,” had it ignited. Paul J. Brown, the NYPD’s chief spokesman said, “It would have been, in all likelihood, a good possibility of people being killed, windows shattered, but not resulting in a building collapse.” Well, that’s good news, not another building collapse like Tower Seven into its footprint in 6.5 seconds. And hit by no hijacked airliner. Notice Brown’s subtle escalation technique.
Meanwhile Midtown was shut down from 43rd Street to 48th Street, from Sixth to Eighth Avenues. Excitement filled the air tinged with fear, panic, and relief that the Broadway Bomber eventually fizzled. Yet Times Square was evacuated, the South Tower of the Marriott Marquis Hotel as well. And gee whiz, this could have been the best, most believable, exciting show in town, and free.
Yet, I wondered what Metesky would have thought of such a wimpy bomb. It was a fireman who first heard a popping sound, the firecrackers inside. The “works” were discovered by police plus a remote-control robot, which broke the window. The back door was also ripped off. The bomb was a rather crude affair made with propane (three small tanks used for barbecue grills), two five gallon tanks of gas with commercial fireworks placed between, a 55-inch tall metal gun locker filled with eight bags of non-explosive fertilizer, and a number of alarm clocks which made for bad ignition.
The abandoned Pathfinder’s motor was still running, lights and blinkers on. The smoke from the vents was seen originally by a T-shirt dealer, ex-Vietnam soldier, who called a mounted policeman who called for back-up and the bomb squad showed. It seems the bomb had fizzled after a flare-up of flame went off as the back door was torn off by police.
The T-shirt dealer’s main remark when the media pressured him for brave comments was, “See something, say something,” an encapsulation of our larger subway and street ad campaign making us aware of abandoned backpacks, black bags but ah, no Pathfinder SUVs. Was it the Japanese striking back for Obama’s campaign against the Toyota Prius? One never knows. By definition the bomb was incendiary rather than explosive. So where there’s smoke and fire, there has to be a potentially major terror threat lurking. So hunker down, keep your eyes open.
Unfortunately, when the real terror occurred on 9/11/2001, despite warnings from copious European, Middle Eastern countries, Russia and Israel, nobody “knew anything, did anything, saw anything, said anything, or got fired for anything,” including NORAD, Donald Rumsfeld, President Bush or Vice President Cheney. Helluva mess-up, I’d say, gone totally unpunished and explained with a lame conspiracy theory called the 9/11 Commission Report, mostly scripted by neo-con Phillip Zelikow, who should probably get a Worst Person of the Millennium Award.
But we’re hot on the tail of this one. It seems the phony license plate on the Pathfinder came from a pick-up truck in a Bridgeport Connecticut junkyard, being repaired. The FBI (in Peace and War) interviewed the pick-up’s previous owner, but didn’t regard the person as a suspect. The Pathfinder’s previous owner has been identified as Peggy Colas, 19, of Bridgeport, Conn. The junkyard is considered to be a “primary target of the investigation.” The SUVs VIN number (vehicle identification number) had been removed from the dashboard. But it turned up on the engine block.
It has easily outdone the story of the recent prosecution and sentencing of three young Muslims, as described in the Daily News: Zazi, Al Qaeda pals planned rush-hour attack on Grand Central, Times Square subway stations. Here’s a taste of the plotline . . .
After they suited themselves up with bombs “They would board trains on the 1, 2, 3 and 6 lines at rush hour and planned to position themselves in the middle of the packed trains to ensure the maximum carnage when they blew themselves up, sources said.” [Try squeezing into one of those trains at rush hour with a bomb under your jacket.]
“During Zazi’s brief visit to Queens from his home in Denver last September, he rode the subway multiple times to the Grand Central and Wall St. stations, scouting where to best spread death and mayhem, the sources said.
“Zazi has confessed that he, Medunjanin and Ahmedzay — all buddies from Flushing High School traveled to Pakistan in August 2008 to fight with the Taliban against U.S. forces inAfghanistan.
“There they were recruited by Al Qaeda for the Manhattan ‘martyrdom’ mission.
“They received military training at a terror camp in the Waziristan region, and Zazi was taken aside and given special bomb-making training because of his knowledge of the subway system.
“The attack was to take place on Sept. 14, 15 or 16 — as soon as the bombs had been assembled — with Sept. 14 the most likely date, sources said.”
For me, the third paragraph is most telling. Again ‘The cooperation of would-be lead bomberNajibullah Zazi has helped law enforcement officials piece together a fuller picture of the evil plan to kill innocent straphangers around the 9/11 anniversary last year.” It is obvious that Zazi is the recruiter/mole of those whom he later rats out, then walks away with a scholarship to Snitch University.
Read the story for yourself, but here you have your standard Flushing High School student terrorists traveling to Afghanistan to learn the business of blowing up themselves and everyone around. Quite honestly, the disinformation machine, the CIA, whoever it is that comes up with this material (which reads like a dime novel), must be getting desperate that the 9/11 Truth Movement is gaining such ground in the public eye by simply exposing the facts of why and how “9/11 was an inside job.” Recently, more than 1,000 architects and engineers signed a petition to Congress that the three towers, One, Two and Seven, went down by internal demolitions set in advance, and not by airliners hijacked by dubious martyrs who could barely fly a Cessna. Remember, Tower Seven wasn’t even hit by an airliner and it fell eagerly at 5:20 p.m. on 9/11.
The question is, how far will 9/11’s government-perpetrators go in their efforts to buttress belief in their original conspiracy, disguising what was in effect their crimes.
Taken together, “The Broadway Bomber,” “Zazi and Friends,” “The Underwear and Shoe Bombers,” “The Khalid Sheik Mohammed Kangaroo Trial” “The Zacarias Moussaoui Stun-Gun Confessions” and other such set-ups seem to be pabulum to feed the unknowing public in its continued support for the “War on Terror.” It is now in its eighth year, longer than WW II, and with no prospect of diminishing. This effort is the real tragedy of a nation gone amok, worthy of a Shakespearean drama.
Unfortunately, you won’t find the truth about 9/11 on Hollywood’s movies, on Broadway or off-Broadway, but you will find it here, on the Internet, alive, well, and kicking. And though we may not win a Tony or Oscar, we will win enough keen minds in the end to carry on. Eventually this nation will simply exhaust itself, its resources, its blood and treasure, chasing this gone goose of world hegemony.
Ironically, if Metesky, mad as a hatter, was able to get off 22 bombs that worked in 1950s New York City, today’s loons have learned that pulling off even failed ops have the desired effect of frightening people in New York City 2010, or anywhere in the world. The question is how close to the desperation point are these handlers to committing another real event for maximum real-life terror. Only the shadow government knows.
PSSSST . . . surprise ending!
The Pathfinder was traced to the former owner who took $1,300 for it from Faisal Shahzad, 30, a naturalized US citizen from guess where, yes, Pakistan. It turns out “Agents of the Joint Terrorists Task Force” arrested and identified him to find if he had larger connections to a known terrorist group, an “international situation.”
Somehow “the Joint” knew Shahzad was onboard Emirates flight 202 to Dubai at JFK. They got there at midnight, just as the plane was rolling away from the gate. They called the plane back and took Shazad into custody. It turns out Shahzad lived in Birdgeport. Conn. He had previously lived in Shelton, Conn., outside Bridgeport, was married to Human Mian, and both spoke limited English, keeping to themselves mostly. They’d been living there about three years. Neighbors said he got up early, dressed nicely, and thought he worked on Wall Street. I wonder if he knew Lloyd Blankfein?
And speaking of the “international situation,” Gordon Duff reported, Times Square Bomb Hoax, Israeli Intel Group Show its Hand, subhead: “Israelis blame Taliban group, one they have been working with for years.” Ouch. Duff says “Who would have believed it? Only days after a warning of an Israeli ‘false flag’ bombing against the US “in the works” a massive car bomb is discovered in Time Square! Better yet, though no intelligence organization in the world could discover anyone claiming responsibility for this embarrassing failure, SITE Intelligence, a group rumored as the ‘voice of the Mossad’ has placed the blame on the Pakistani Taliban.” Is this before or after the Taliban disavowed credit for the crime, minor detail.
Nevertheless, “This is the same group that has come up with numerous bin Laden ‘audio’ tapes, seemingly, though tiny and nearly totally unstaffed, whenever it is convenient for Israel to point a finger at someone, magically SITE Intelligence, run by former IDF soldier Rita Katz, whose father was executed as a spy by Saddam Hussein, makes another ‘unbelievable’ intelligence find.” Read the whole bloody mess for yourself and cancel your B’nai B’rith theater party.
“SITE Intelligence finds are not only timely for Israel, when the world is focused on claims they have been planning a ‘dirty bomb’ attack to send the US to war against Iran, but always tend to support mysterious organizations run from the caves of the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region.” Well, it’s almost nice to know you have friends — friends you can count on to screw you time after time. Not only does it make for a fantastic false flag 9/11 (remember the Dancing Israelis?), it makes for great theatre. Millions held blindfolded in suspense for days.
So, like Norman Finkelstein would say, “There’s no business like the Shoah business.” I can’t wait for the reviews to follow. SOCKO! BOFFO! A MUST-READ! THE SMOKING GUN of the demise of Iraq, Surrogate Warfare on Pakistan, Always the Same, Who Gains (you know who)! Plus ONGOING INVESTIGATION/FOX “ISRAELI ASSET” NEWS ATTACKS OBAMA! You’ll love every word of Duff in the rough. Even the Mad Bomber himself, George Metesky, would have roared! BOOM!

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