Friday, October 29, 2010

Jesse Ventura Calls For New 9/11 Investigation; Challenges Media


Steve Watson
October 29, 2010
Jesse Ventura Calls For New 9/11 Investigation; Challenges Media 281010VenturaFormer Governor of Minnesota, ex-Navy SEAL and retired pro-wrestler Jesse Ventura has renewed the call for a new investigation into the events of 9/11 in the face of dramatic new evidence that is coming to light every week.
“You’ve got all this evidence but clearly when you look at what happened, and the results of all of it, it shows clearly that these commissions and these official government investigations are frauds.” Ventura told nationally syndicated radio host Alex Jones.
“They don’t seek the truth, they are there to simply push the government’s story of whatever that may be – what they want said about what happened.” Ventura continued as he and Jones presented and analyzed previously unseen video and eyewitness accounts from September 11 2001 that suggest secondary explosions were a contributing factor to the destruction of the World Trade Center.
“When you look at the whole commission, it got run by Zelikow, who comes right out of the White House – he was the guy in charge. If they didn’t unanimously agree on something, it wasn’t even entered into it.” Ventura noted, also adding that the 9/11 Commission failed to even mention the total and symmetrical collapse of building 7, a 47 story skyscraper that was not attacked on 9/11, yet fell straight down into it’s own footprint later the same afternoon.
“Anything that doesn’t fit into their scenario, they just ignore.” Ventura added.
The former governor also noted that originally there was never even going to be an investigation into the attacks of any kind, and that it was only via pressure from the victims’ relatives that a commission was appointed.
“When pressure came from the families and they demanded an investigation, well who’s the first person they come up with to run it? Henry Kissinger. Well, there was outcry and outrage over that because of all of his contacts and everything he’s into… Then you look at it from a logical point of view, did they really and truly want to investigate?” Ventura stated.
“Well when you learn that they spent a hundred million dollars to investigate Whitewater – where ultimately in the end I guess they learned that the president cheated on his wife – and then initially for the murder of 3,000 people at 9/11, they allocate 4 million. It ended up going to 12 or 13 million in the end but that alone should cause you to say there wasn’t a real investigation going to be done here.” he added.
Ventura also commented on the recent video releases from NIST, following Freedom of Information Act requests.Yesterday we highlighted a newly discovered video in which the director of the FBI in New York is seen interviewing firefighters after the collapse of one of the trade towers, and discussing “secondary hits” being responsible.
“NIST has all this information in their possession, and yet their report chooses to ignore it and not even mention it. How much more simple can it be for someone out there to look at that and go ’something is rotten in Denmark here’.” Ventura said.
“Shouldn’t they have at least addressed it and said that ‘well we had many reports of firefighters and officials saying bombs were going off’, and then give an explanation as to why these people were wrong?”
Ventura also had harsh words for the corporate media and it’s culpability in allowing a cover up to prosper.
“You have to remember, the mainstream media is not the ally.” Ventura said.
“I’m just baffled, it’s beyond words. The mainstream media, was supposed to be our fourth branch of government, the unwritten fourth branch by our forefathers. Their job was to be the check, to be the watchdog and watch the other three branches of government and keep them honest, and now that they have sold us out we are in dire straights.” he added.
“These stories should be the lead stories on TV right now. Not do downgrade you or I, but the only place they are hearing them is on your radio show and a few other non mainstream outlets.” Ventura told Jones.
“I’m getting censored more and more. The access that I had two years ago, I had way more two years ago than what I’m getting now. I’m being cut back too, I can’t get on all the shows I’d like to get on anymore.” he added.
Ventura also vilified the media’s portrayal of 9/11 researchers, noting that “The mainstream portrays 9/11 truthers as being some fringe element and some wild crazy liberals or whatever they are out there.”

“They don’t realise that the 9/11 truth movement, the great majority of it is professionals. These are not people that are crazy, in fact they are courageous because they are putting their professional integrity on the line to ask the questions.” Ventura asserted.

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