Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blair's Letters to Bush about Invasion of Iraq 'were removed from official records for being sensitive', Iraq Inquiry Hears

Tony Blair's private letters to George Bush on Iraq were considered so sensitive they were expunged from the official Whitehall record, it was disclosed today.

Evidence released by the Iraq Inquiry shows that No 10 officials drew up two accounts of the then prime minister's dealings with the US President - with all references to their correspondence being removed from the version for general circulation.

We know US and UK leaders DELIBERATELY lied to their people and fellow elected representatives about Saddam's WMD capabilities via the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate summary (that was doctored) and the Dodgy Dossier among other things.

It appears that the removal of these Blair letters constitutes Guilty Demeanour.

Regardless of this investigation we already know the attack on Iraq was completely illegal under International Law. Blair, Bush et al need to be arrested immediately. We cannot continue to accept that some in our society are above the Law simply because they speak eloquently, wear suits, and get a free pass from the mainstream media.

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