Monday, January 10, 2011

Liberal Smear Machine Backfires After Gunman Found To Be Occultist, Pot-Smoking Left Winger

Effort to conflate killer with anti-big government conservatives falls apart

Liberal Smear Machine Backfires After Gunman Found To Be Occultist, Pot Smoking Left Winger 100111top2
Alex Jones & Paul Joseph WatsonPrison
Monday, January 10, 2011
A full scale demonization campaign against conservatives, free speech and the Second Amendment on behalf of Democrats and the establishment media in the wake of Saturday’s shootings has sensationally backfired after it emerged that gunman Jared Lee Loughner was a left-wing, pot-smoking liberal who was into dressing like the grim reaper and dabbling in the occult.
In their fervor to tear down the First and Second Amendments, Democrats and their allies in the corporate media hastily characterized Loughner as an anti-government right-winger in their rush to link him to the Tea Party and Sarah Palin, a connection that is still being invoked as Dems seek to rush through gun control legislation as well as a bill that could make criticism of government a form of hate speech.
However, precisely as Alex Jones forecast on his show last night, it has emerged this morning that Loughner is a devil-worshipper wannabe who idolized fake human skulls and dressed up like the grim reaper.
How often have you witnessed a “tear partier,” an anti-government activist or a conservative engage in any of the following behaviors, all of which are confirmed to have been conducted by Loughner. (1) (2) (3) (4)
- Burning the American flag
- Being a “left-winger” and a “liberal”
- Smoking pot
- Having long hair
- Dressing up as the grim reaper
- Dabbling in the occult by worshipping a replica of a human skull
- Expressing the desire to be a woman
- Describing Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto as a favorite book
Does it sound like Jared Lee Loughner was a right-wing conservative, as the liberal smear machine is attempting to claim?
Despite the fact that Loughner’s former classmate described him as “quite liberal” and “left wing,” the New York Times, Washington Post, along with a host of statist blogs like Huffington Post and the Daily Kos, were beating the drum for so-called right-wingers (opponents of Obamacare or big government) to be politically silenced in the name of “toning down the rhetoric”.

In reality, Loughner’s political views were all over the map, sharing characteristics of conservatism, liberalism and libertarianism. He was a fundamentally disturbed and deranged individual, which was the main reason for the carnage he become embroiled in, not because he was a tea partier influenced by the resistance against big government, as the establishment is now trying to claim.
The haste with which the attack machine had manufactured Loughner’s persona before his name was even known as a dangerous right-winger proves that the establishment had already embarked on a sickening plan to exploit the tragedy mere minutes after news of the shootings broke.
We don’t even have a clear motive for why Loughner apparently targeted Congressman Giffords. Indeed, since both Giffords and federal judge John Roll were both very conservative in their policies towards gun control and immigration, how do we know that Loughner’s anger wasn’t rooted in leftist rage?
Another key facet to this story is the fact that Loughner’s mental instability was well known on his campus, and yet “College authorities ignored repeated warnings that the drug-taking 22-year-old was a potential danger, a former teacher claimed last night.”
Despite the fact that Loughner’s profile is now confirmed as a black-clad, occult-dabbling, pot smoking unstable loner, in a similar mould to Columbine killers Harrison and Klebold, the establishment is still blaming so-called right-wing radio and talk show hosts for the tragedy and demanding that Americans “tone down their rhetoric,’ which is a mere euphemism for a brazen attempt to stifle criticism of the state altogether.
Speaking to Fox News, the father of the 9-year-old girl killed as a result of Loughner’s rampage commendably labeled the tragic events a “random act” and said that the death of his daughter should not be exploited to revoke freedoms.
Speaking on the subject of how travel became a nightmare after 9/11, John Green said, “We don’t need any more restrictions on our society,” as a consequence of the shootings, and said that tragic events such as those that led to the murder of his daughter was the price Americans have to pay for freedom.

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