Friday, January 21, 2011

You Are The Resistance Against The DHS Occupation Of America

    V for Victory campaign a mark of defiance against Homeland Security’s takeover of society
    You Are The Resistance Against The DHS Occupation Of America 210111top1
    Paul Joseph Watson & Alex JonesPrison
    Friday, January 21, 2011
    “Resistance V’s appeared all over the country….The V campaign meant ordinary people could feel they were doing something, however symbolic, to protest against the Occupation.”
    “The British radio has called on people to write V for victory everywhere, and they are all over the place, even on shop fronts. They are also written on blackboards, on tables – everywhere. Even better, there’s a new badge: a V made with two crossed pins and worn on the lapel. Yvette and I counted seventy-five in five minutes!…On the Rue d’Astorg, I scribbled a V on a German car. I heard the sound of boots behind me, and moved off quickly.”
    The Resistance, by Matthew Cobb.
    America is in peril, the United States is being occupied as Homeland Security launches a total takeover of society and attempts to indoctrinate an army of citizen spies as the country accelerates its slide into banana republic despotism. Americans who can see what is unfolding feel helpless, powerless and overawed by the clear evisceration of their freedoms. The time has come for a massive campaign of powerful, symbolic, peaceful resistance.
    The Department of Homeland Security has released a trio of chilling PSA video clips in which ordinary everyday activities are characterized as signs of potential terrorism, with the public being indoctrinated to assume the role of domestic spies reporting on their friends and neighbors as America sinks deeper into a decaying police state.
    DHS will no longer be limited to the airport in the form of the TSA, but will become a ubiquitous entity policing everyone through a network of citizen spies and infrastructure security technology. The agency will also assume the mantle of regulating Americans’ every behavior and activity.
    In wartime France, the victims of the Nazi occupation could see who their oppressors were, in 21st century America we’re not yet being policed 24/7 by black boot wearing stormtroopers, but perhaps something even more insidious – each other. Homeland Security is training Americans to spy on their friends, neighbors and colleagues by making us obsessed with the fear of terror – using the very tactic of terrorists to chill the 1st Amendment, tear up the bill of rights, and intimidate Americans into accepting constant harassment, bag searches, body scans, interrogations, and suffocating security-theatre everywhere they go.
    So why the V campaign? What is it and what will it achieve? It’s all about fighting back against the psychological warfare we are now being subjected to by our new would-be slavemasters. They like to remind us that they’re our bosses with their signs – report suspicious activity posters and video messages at Wal-Mart checkouts - terrorism tip line billboards – Homeland Security posters telling Americans where they can and can’t park their car – using symbols, slogans and messages to herd the sheep and elicit their obedience is obviously a very important component of any authoritarian regime – so why not fight back with our own symbols, slogans and messages?
    The Obama Joker poster campaign attracted massive attention and was a huge success in creating an underground buzz of resistance. The V for Victory campaign is based on the same basic idea.
    We need to tell them who we are and that we’re not their slaves. This in turn will encourage others to feel secure in the knowledge that there are Americans who are working to protect freedom of speech and the right to criticize government without being treated as a terrorist, and that Homeland Security’s constant hyped fearmongering about non-existent terror threats is nothing more than an act of psychological warfare to make Americans shut up, mute their dissent, and follow orders like good little children.
    You Are The Resistance Against The DHS Occupation Of America 210111top2
    From VIPR teams that now patrol Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor and Los Angeles rail lines; ferries in Washington state; bus stations in Houston; and mass transit systems in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore, to invasive pat downs at bus and train terminals and on street corners across the country, to radiation-emitting naked body scanners that roam the highways scanning vehicles and homes, to interrogation checkpoints at sporting and other public events, Big Sis is engaged in a total takeover of society, turning America into a giant prison grid where everyone is guilty until proven innocent and treated as a potential terrorist.
    Show me a case in history where the government recruiting the citizens to spy on each other led to a more secure, happy, free and prosperous society and I’ll show you a chicken with teeth.The best possible outcome, as in East Germany, was a despotic society in which free speech was silenced and political dissidents were imprisoned. The usual outcome, as in Stalinist Russia or Nazi Germany – was outright tyranny and death camps. Neither have any place in America.
    Homeland Security is now trying to mimic the way of all oppressive regimes, by turning the American people against each other. Their agenda is public – DHS’ own documents clearly state that they consider libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, constitutionalists, gun owners and virtually any political activism as extremism and possible terrorism. As we have seen from a myriad of reports put out by the DHS and threat fusion centers across the country – the primary targets of Homeland Security in their campaign to have everyone treated with suspicion are people who know their rights and people who dare to exercise their freedoms.
    This has nothing to do with any genuine terror threat. Americans are being coerced into living in constant fear of terror, when in reality they are more likely to die from peanut allergies, lightning strikes, or accident-causing deer than terrorist attacks.
    We need to invoke the spirit of the French who were occupied by the Nazis in World War Two. The V for victory campaign in Paris and elsewhere helped the occupied to understand that the resistance against tyranny was legion. It gave the victims hope that they were not isolated and that their community was bonded in freedom, reducing fear that they would be reported to the authorities by collaborators as a subversive or terrorist for expressing dissent against their occupiers.
    To encourage more people to participate in this outreach, we are incorporating it into our, “The Answer to 1984 is 1776″ campaign, and offering $7,000 dollars for the winner who posts the best video on You Tube. Second place will win $2,000, 3rd place wins $1,000. Use the V for Victory flyers we have provided to let Big Sis know that we are not her slaves. Use them on banner hangs or as stand alone flyers, post them on message boards or any places where announcements are made in your local community. Anywhere that’s legal and lawful, we want to see the V for victory proudly displayed as a symbolic message of resistance and defiance.
    Click here to download all the V for Victory posters in PDF format. Pick your favorite and print them off to use as flyers, or alternatively you are free to adapt the design to your own tastes. This is a campaign that everyone who wants to put on record their opposition to this tyranny can become involved with – the added incentive of cash prizes adds the element of competition and also increases media coverage.
    Remember – you are the resistance!
    “Never has France been engaged in a more noble or beautiful war than in the one that is fought in cellars where her free newspapers are printed, in the nocturnal terrains and secret rocky coves where she receives her free friends and from where her free children swarm out, in the torture chambers where despite the pliers, the needles reddened by fire and the broken bones, the French die as free men.”
    Joseph Kessel, French Resistance Leader.
    Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.

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